Fractale Ep5: but I'm starting to get bored with it

I find this scene incredibly adorable... you know?

Maybe it's because of the one week hiatus, I'm expecting a lot from the new episode but as expected (and sadly) there's hardly any new development for the story. Episode 5 is somewhat a "transition" episode where Clain finally integrates with the rest of the crew of Gekko State and in a way helped Phryne fits in as well. From this point on it's highly likely that the duo will stick with the crew for most of the series and we'll see them work together to achieve whatever the crew's objectives is and what Renton Clain decides to fight for in the end, after he (and we) finally have a good idea what the two girls and the Fractale system actually is.

Still, since it's a "transition" episode after all, it almost never reveal anything anything about the questions the audience have. What we do know, is that Nessa has a more significant importance to the temple people than Phryne, and both of them are referred to as "daughters". If this is how much we know from five episodes in an eleven-episode series, I'm guessing the climax would be when the series answers our many questions, and the fate of the world, the girls, etc. Before what I'm expecting to be an epic battle, of course, and although I can't see how Clain will play an important part in that battle I figured we're bound to see that happen.

It's all speculations though. But I'm afraid my interest in the series will wane if they keep piling on the questions and keep too many things a mystery, so in the next episode I hope we will see some answers.

Or maybe this episode has too little Nessa =P

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